
My dear Dad, 

What surprises me is just how unsurprising this moment seems.  One hundred years? Well, as you like to say, "But of course”; It would be a shock if you WEREN'T here to celebrate this day.  

Yes, you’re slower, less steady, but all in all, you remain the epitome of consistency in an all too fractured and unreliable world.  Your ever-present sense of morality and integrity is in striking contrast to the deceit and distortion that seems to surround us these days.  I appreciate your bewilderment, interest in and attention to that inane world and your unwavering wish to witness the fundamental changes that would benefit those vulnerable folks you served for so many years. Finally, and most importantly, I simply appreciate being there to see you and talk to you, daily, about this, that and all the rest as we witness, together, the story that is unfolding.  

With all my love on this, your 100th birthday, 

Your son Roger  



