
Joe was a busy doctor but he always made it to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the mornings after he saw his patients at Kaiser. Although he wasn't an Orthodox Jew he was involved in sending his children to Hebrew school which might have backfired to an extent. 

I also remember him driving the family up to Inverness.  From the radio came either classical music or if his children and I were lucky the Oakland Raiders/ 49ers football games.  So, Uncle Joe was eclectic when it came to entertainment!  Not many people could transition from pro football to opera like that! 

Lastly, I recall how Joe helped Bernice restore her antiques that she found with my mother on antique hunts throughout the Bay Area. They seemed to become a team about that.  Their collaboration also took place while fixing up their Inverness house. Back in El Cerrito (home then) Uncle Joe was often at his electric saw in the garage fixing what needed to be remediated. He was/is a very talented and intelligent man. More than just an MD.. He liked listening to Sf Giants baseball games while working.   SF giants trumped opera at those times. 



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