

I told you recently that you are the oldest person with whom I have ever spoken-- and when you read this message you will be even older! You are also someone who I have come to know and cherish.

It didn't start out that way for me. Let's walk down memory lane:

I was scared of you as a kid. Your strict bearing terrified me as I watched you keep your unruly sons in line. Thankfully you never paid much attention to me as I tried to make myself invisible. I will never forget our car trip across country in the early '60's. I came along on your family trip to New York as you were delivering me to Uncle Judah for my trip to Israel. As I sat in the back of the station wagon with the boys, even though you were driving, your arm kept reaching out behind you, trying to reach the back seat as you shouted at the boys to
stop horsing around.

It was only after my own parents died that I got to know you so much better. I love our discussions, of politics; of life; of family. I love the way you have adopted my family. I am impressed by your emotional insightfulness. I value your advice. I love your optimistic approach to life which has served you well. You have become my role model for living a long and productive life.

Happy 100th Birthday to my dear uncle.

Your loving niece,


Bruce’s Favorite Memory of Joe (2011):  

For the past few years we have made it our routine to visit Bernice and Joe every summer for a few days. At first we used to rent a car, but lately we’ve taken more and more to using BART because we have Joe the “Wheel Man” to pick us up at the station.  Like the postman through rain, sleet, snow or ice (not that there is much inclement weather in Orinda during the summer) Joe is there wheeling his Caddy to the curb.  

Having wheel man at our disposal is certainly a perk. While the guy has what is known in the racing circle as a “lead foot,” whether clipping along at 80 on the way to Los Angeles or navigating the curves on Lucas Valley Road, he is flawless and occasionally terrifying. And after a tough day behind the wheel, Wheel Man morphs almost seamlessly into “Martini Man.”  A large measure of Gin, just a hint of Vermouth, a quick shake over the rocks and then we all kick back into an alcohol induced Nirvanah, complements of Joe the Martini Man. 

So here’s to you on your 90th birthday, just keep drivin’ and mixin’ and you will live forever. 




Peter & Chaya

